Friday, 2 October 2009

Just read an interesting post on Scott Allen's blog, and the following go me thinking.... (

"The next time your user asks for something and your first impulse is to start assessing the risks involved – STOP.

Think about the possibilities first. Think about the value to the user. Could this request make the software great? If not, how could it be even better? What can you do in this area to empower the user? How can the software truly transform their job, or their business? What could you change about your technology to make this work? What could you change about your team to make this work? What could you change about your company to make this work? How many days would you really need to experiment with something new and different? Only after you understand the true potential of what is possible can you can put on your engineering hat and assess the risks.

We all work with limited resources and deadlines, but we often use these constraints as excuses instead of parameters in a formula for victory.

Only courage allows us to find the true potential of software. Only courage allows us to recognize our weaknesses and try something new. Only courage allows us to explore unfamiliar landscapes in the world of software development.Only courage will allow us to align our goals with the goals of the user, make our software great, and give us a shot at undisputed victory. "

This is a very good practice, and i agree completely except for one thing, users will and do ask for utterly rediculous things form time to time.

Cruise Control .net Project Dependency

Ok just a quick post, I'm NOT taking any credit for this, great blog post on handling Cruise Control .net project dependency (using this solution in 1.4.4)

Thursday, 17 September 2009

c# WCF Peer to Peer .net solution

Well I finally decided to actually write my peer to peer resolver solution (for all those interested in the straight peer-to-peer solution that will follow). The solution is fairly simple, as the framework does most of the work for us.

The solution is an adaptations of David Whitney’s solution link.I’ll comment directly on David’s site on why not to use his design.

So where do we start? The solution uses a WCF peer resolver service that manages the initial client connection, so that seems the most logical place..

As with all important elements of this solution its best to use a thread safe singleton pattern to control your resolver instance (don’t want uncontrolled duplicate instances out there now do we). (For more details on implementation of the singleton pattern see this link).

Create a new Class Library project, and add a public sealed class named “PersistantResolver”

Before I go any further I generally break up my code into logical regions (as many of you do), so first off the private members.

#region members

//Used for locking the singlton
private static readonly object _syncRoot = new object();
private static PersistentResolver _instance;

//Framework resolver
private readonly CustomPeerResolverService _resolver;
private readonly ServiceHost _serviceHost;
private static BackgroundWorker _worker;


Nice and simple so far ,some people choose to implement the CustomPeerResolverService, but in all honesty, you want this to be as light as possible, not to mention re-inventing the wheel.

#region instance

public static PersistentResolver Instance
if (_instance == null)
lock (_syncRoot)
_instance = new PersistentResolver();
return _instance;

//Private constructor called by first instance
private PersistentResolver()
//Initialise the resolver and the service host
_resolver = new CustomPeerResolverService { ControlShape = false };
_serviceHost = new ServiceHost(_resolver);
catch (Exception ex)
//handle your exception however you want...


The next part is the meat of the resolver (what little there is). This includes a heartbeat execution.
The heartbeat is what notifies the connected clients that the resolver is still there (part of the "what happens if my resolver needs to be restarted" solution), the resolver sends out a heartbeat every so often, on failure to receive an expected heartbeat the clients can take appropriate action, but I'll cover that more later.

The "Listen" and "StopListening" methods control the running of the resolver service, the additional "JoinNetwork", "StartHeartbeat" and "ExecuteSend" methods provide the fail handling.

So the resolver code..

#region methods

public void Listen()
//Open the resolver and service host

public void StopListening()
//close the resolver and service host

public void JoinNetwork()
//Join the peer mesh (ie connect to resolver and join p2p network).
//I'll come back to this method call a little later in the PeerHelper class (client class).
PeerHelper.Instance.JoinNetwork(new EmptyMessageProcessor());

public void StartHearbeat()
//This starts a background worker callin the ExecuteSend method
_worker = new BackgroundWorker();
_worker.DoWork += ExecuteSend;

private void ExecuteSend(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
//Call the SendHeartBeat method on the PeerHelper every 5 seconds.
while (true)
catch (Exception ex)
SnitchInformer.LogException(ex, ErrorSeverity.Fatal);


You have finished your resolver core code, all that's left is to call from the service, so for starting a service (or console host etc) just call as follows.


To close the service just call.


You'll need to declare the service entry with address and endpoint in the servicemodel section of the app.config...


You'll also need an endpoint to be able to connect (in client of servicemodel).

That's it, everything else is fairly standard (google wcf services for more help or email me if your struggling).

So now we're on to the interesting bit, client code, after all its what all this work is for, so I'll just try to explain the client code a little before i go any further...

The clients will utilise a wcf contract implementation IPeerMessageProcessor to handle messages, to put it simply, whenever a contract method is executed on the peer mesh, all clients will execute their instance of the method. Lets say we have a message called "HelloWorld" that simply spits out the text "Hello World", each client will have an instance of the wcf contract (containing a "HelloWorld" method), and if one client calls the method, all clients will call their own instance, thus spit out the "hello world" message on all clients.

Its a very elegant system, and I've tried to implement it in a stable way that allows easy shared/custom implementations across the clients. So to start lets create our wcf contract...

using System.ServiceModel;

[ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples", CallbackContract = typeof(IPeerMessageProcessor))]
public interface IPeerMessageProcessor
/// Process a PeerMessage object

/// [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
void ProcessMessage(PeerMessage message);

/// Process a heartbeat

[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
void ProcessHeartbeat();

The PeerMessage object is just an object, and can be anything you want (eg), and fully supports complex types (be careful how much you pass though, there are limits).

public class PeerMessage
public string MessageText {get;set;}
public DateTime MessageSent {get;set;}

Of course we also need a default implementation of the contract, and this will be our base message processor, all custom processors will inherit from this object (thus allowing you to pick and choose default functionality).

/// Default message processor - all processors should inherit this

public class MessageProcessor : IPeerMessageProcessor
/// Default message processor behaviour

/// public virtual void ProcessMessage(PeerMessage message)

/// Default message processor heartbeat behaviour

public virtual void ProcessHeartbeat()
//handles the heartbeat receipt from the resolver
PersistentHeartbeatMonitor.Instance.ActiveProcessor = this;
PersistentHeartbeatMonitor.Instance.LastRecievedHeartbeat = DateTime.Now;

We need an empty inheritor of this for the resolver service (see the PersistentResolver class earlier).

public class EmptyMessageProcessor : MessageProcessor
public override void ProcessMessage(MessageEntites.PeerMessage message)

public override void ProcessHeartbeat()

Using this inherited object as your message processor overrides the deault behaviour to do nothing.

Back to the MessageProcessor, you no doubt spotted the PersistentHearbeatMonitor in the ProcessHeartbeat method, so I'll go through that very quickly...

The heartbeatmonitor is another singleton object that handles monitoring the mesh resolver, and handles unexpected disconnection. I have seen some very poor alternative methods, (I'll discuss in a minute)
Very simply, this class once initialised will check if a heartbeat has been received within the last 20 seconds, if not it attempts to reconnect to the peer mesh, and continues to do so until successful. I have tested this and it works a treat but feel free to do what you want with it.
simple set of members for the instance, worker and the current processor, and the instance...

private static readonly object _syncRoot = new object();
private static PersistentHeartbeatMonitor _instance;
private static BackgroundWorker _worker;
private static MessageProcessor _currentProcessor;

public static PersistentHeartbeatMonitor Instance
if (_instance == null)
lock (_syncRoot)
_instance = new PersistentHeartbeatMonitor();
return _instance;

private PersistentHeartbeatMonitor()
//Set off the hearbeat monitor on a backgroundworker thread
_worker = new BackgroundWorker();
_worker.DoWork += ExecuteHeartbeatWorker;

The only thing slightly different here is the constructor, its attaching a method to the worker and executing.

public void ExecuteHeartbeatWorker(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
//Leave the heartbeat monitor in a constant loop
//Check if we have had a heartbeat recently.
if (!IsLastHeartbeatWithinAcceptableLimits)
//If not try to reconnect
//wait 5 seconds before we check again.

public bool IsLastHeartbeatWithinAcceptableLimits
//have we received a heartbeat in the last 20 seconds
return (LastRecievedHeartbeat.AddSeconds(20) > DateTime.Now);

public void TryToRejoinPeerMesh()
//Retry logic is in a never ending loop.
while (true)
//Try to join the peer mesh resolver
//If it gets this far connection was succssful, therefore exit the loop.
//JoinNetwork failed, abort the network (so channel available to try again
//Sleep the tread for 5 seconds, so can try again.

The above is fairly simple, every 5 seconds check if we have received a heartbeat, if not start trying to reconnect every 5 seconds until successful.
The last part is the properties used by the MessageProcessor ProcessHeartbeat method.

public DateTime LastRecievedHeartbeat { get; set; }

public MessageProcessor ActiveProcessor
get { return _currentProcessor ?? new MessageProcessor(); }
set { _currentProcessor = value; }

OK I'll get on to some actual code we can use by clients. To start with we'll have a PeerConnection object to control the client connection and processing of messages. The class will contain the following members and constructor

//Required by the wcf channel
private DuplexChannelFactory _factory;
private InstanceContext _context;
private IMessageChannel _participant;
private readonly string _endPointName;
//Our specific instance of the IPeerMessageProcessor contract
private MessageProcessor _processor;

//Pass the processor instance and an endpoint name in the constructor (i hold the endpoint name in the config)
internal PeerConnection(MessageProcessor processor, string endPointName)
_endPointName = endPointName;
_processor = processor;

The IMessageChannel interface is a simple interface inheriting both the contract and IClientChannel:

public interface IMessageChannel : IPeerMessageProcessor, IClientChannel

The Constructor calls CreateChannel() as below, this creates the wcf channel requirements....

private void CreateChannel()
_context = new InstanceContext(_processor);
_factory = new DuplexChannelFactory(_context, _endPointName);
_participant = _factory.CreateChannel();

//Connect to resolver and join the mesh
internal void JoinNetwork()
//Check channel exists, if not create
if (_participant == null)
if (_participant == null)
throw new Exception("Could not create peer mesh channel.");
if (_participant.State == CommunicationState.Opened || _participant.State == CommunicationState.Opening)

//Open the channel
//just in case wait for channel state to be opened
while (_participant.State != CommunicationState.Opened)

//Abort channel
internal void AbortNetwork()
//abort (should something go wrong we always need an abort
if (_participant != null)
_participant = null;

//Close the channel (leave the mesh)
internal void LeaveNetwork()
if (_participant != null)
_participant = null;

//Send a heartbeat message across the mesh
internal void SendHeartBeat(object context)
//As discussed this triggers the ProcessHeartbeat method in each
//clients instance of the MessageProcessor

//Send a message across the mesh
internal void SendMessage(PeerMessage message)
//As discussed this triggers the ProcessMessage method in each
//clients instance of the MessageProcessor

Ok so final stage, we need to be able to control the peer mesh instance, so yep we're going to use a singlton again, PeerHelper, hers its members

private static readonly object _syncRoot = new object();
private static PeerHelper _instance;
//The specific processor contract instance
private static MessageProcessor _processor;
//The connection instance
private static PeerConnection _connection;

This singleton uses a standard pattern instance property, and an empty constructor, so I'll let you figure that one out for yourselves..
To start we need to be able to join the network.

/// Joins the peer to peer network
/// Uses the default message processor

public void JoinNetwork()
JoinNetwork(new MessageProcessor());

/// Join the peer to peer network
/// Uses a custom message processor implementation

/// custom message processorpublic void JoinNetwork(MessageProcessor messageProcessor)
_processor = messageProcessor;

And the ValidateConnection method listed above (this just checks we havea valid conneciton, and joins if need be).

private static void ValidateConnection()
//check if connection instance exists and has value
if (_connection == null)
//check if processor instance exists
if (_processor == null)
//if no processor use default contract processor
_processor = new MessageProcessor();
//if no connection create a new instance
_connection = new PeerConnection(_processor, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PeerMeshEndpointName"]);

A simple leave and abort methods.

/// Leave the peer to peer network

public void LeaveNetwork()
if (_connection != null)
_connection = null;

/// Abort the peer to peer network

public void AbortNetwork()
if (_connection != null)
_connection = null;

And finally the ones we've been waiting for, The send message and heartbeat.

/// Send a peer message object across the peer network

/// public void SendMessage(PeerMessage message)

/// Send a heartbeat across the peer mesh

public void SendHeartBeat()

These are small methods, all actual logic is held elsewhere, the point of the PeerHelper class, is to 1 provide a single instance, thus protect from any multi threading nastyness, and 2 provide a clean interface for your clients to use.

Joining the mesh is now as simple as:

and sending a message:
//Remember to define your own PeerMessage object with constructor etc of your choice.
PeerHelper.Instance.SendMessage(new PeerMessage("This is a test client message"));

the following is a sample test console application...
namespace smp.TestPeerMeshSolution
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
PeerHelper.Instance.JoinNetwork(new TestMessageProcessor());
//send a message every 2 seconds.
PeerHelper.Instance.SendMessage(new PeerMessage("This is a test client message"));

public class TestMessageProcessor : MessageProcessor
public override void ProcessMessage(PeerMessage message)

public override void ProcessHeartbeat()
Console.WriteLine("Heartbeat received");

Notice how you only see a message on screen if you have more than one console instance open. Also try shutting down the service and watch what happens, pad out some methods with Console.Writeline("...") descriptors to see in more detail.

I hope this is of some help to anyone that reads it, and as alwasy, these are just my thoughts, i have performed some extensive testing of the core solution
(Standard garb... i can offer no guarantees, and take no responsibility for use of anything duscussed here...)

c# Singleton pattern implementation

This is a fairly common, and very, very useful pattern when that implemented properly. Implemented badly however can and most probably will kill your application, or at the very least cause some very perculiar behaviour.

I have no intention of re-inventing the wheel, many better than me have detailed how to create a singleton, one very good post can be found at this link. If your not sure i recommend you read the post (and i mean read it!!!).

Please people pay attention to the very important idea of thread safety, its really very easy (esspecially in a distributed system) to get threading issues without the correct use of a singlton, and by its very definition a singleton is threadsafe (only one instance can exist). So for those of you out there that seem happy with a static class for instance, yes this does have its place, and under the right conditions the right choice, but it IS NOT a singleton, don't lable it as one, don't rely on it as one, and if your building anything more complicated than what my cat can manage, i would recommend you think..."Should i use a singleton here?"

Sorry for the rant, but i've fixed far too many odd bugs this week caused by singletons that just aren't singletons...

Friday, 21 August 2009

Shiny Dev Technology

I know i have promised a nice clean peer mesh solution, and i do have example projects (one with and one without a resolver service) but i just havn't had the time to actually write the blog and explanations etc themseleves...

So in hte meantime, something that we must all remeber more often, shiny technology can sometimes be the enemy.

I have recently been lucky (or unlucky depending on your outlook) to inherit my employers primary dev projects to lead, overall we use a wide variety of technologies surrounding .net, I am forunate enough to be working for a company that sees new technology as a good thing, and the benefits its can bring when used correctly. However there are always pitfalls, i have recently ripped out a Silverlight 3 application from our mvc site thats under construction (app is an unfinished port of an unstable silverlight 2 app on the site).

The app provides a small but essential function within the site. Now let me be clear, Silverlight itself isn't at fault, silverlight 3 with ria services is so col in so many ways, but for our requirements there were a few problems, one our domain model couldn't be shared with silverlight without very heavy modification and disconecting from the overall project (duplicating objects etc) this obviously isn't ideal, and goes against the design ideals of silverlight 3 and ria. In the end i ripped it out because i was able to design the same functionality in an mvc view, which once my train of though expanded will provide additional functionality on our site.

Now as i said Silverlight 3 is great, and its a very shiny piece of technology, but i fear shiny technology can occasionally be blinding, especially when its coupled with the porting existing code (wpf app that does a very similar thing), just remember, if its shiny and you think it will save you time, double check it, there will always be cases where it turns out to be a bad idea.

Friday, 3 July 2009

.net peer mesh solution...

Ok, thought i better put something down...

I have worked on a peer mesh solution, but its both unreliable and has a fairly major memory leak surrounding message sending.

So having spent most of the week working on a new implementation i plan (when i have my pattern finished and tested) to make the first useful post on just that. I clean p2p solution for c#...